Healing from Distorted Self-Perception: Navigating the Journey towards Self-Acceptance and Wholeness for State of Loc Nation
Healing from Distorted Self-Perception: Navigating the Journey towards Self-Acceptance and Wholeness for State of Loc Nation "I have often seen when individuals start their loc journey, there is various levels of insecurity, trauma and fear that must be healed from. However, I am always very proud because they are now taking a vow. A vow to begin the work to become aligned with self and God." says, Empress Clement founder of State of Loc Nation, Loc community Association, NJS Hair Care. She is also author of Locs linked to Spirituality and Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow continues. In the current days of social media, their is a wave of individuals practicing various methods to heal internal traumas, one of them being, Distorted Self Perception. Distorted self-perception, also known as distorted body image, is a phenomenon that affects a significant number of people around the world. It is a condition in which individuals perceive their bodies in a way that is dif...